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Authors’ Guidelines

General Requirements                                                      

The journal Economic Insights – Trends and Challenges (formerly: Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Economic Sciences Series) publishes scientific papers focused on the economic field and other related fields (interdisciplinary papers) that have not been and are not going to be published in any other journals or volumes of scientific conferences.

Economic Insights – Trends and Challenges is an open-access journal. The journal does not apply any article submission, processing and/or publishing charges/fees. In addition, the journal does not charge any fee for accessing its electronic archive.

The authors are fully responsible for the originality and authenticity of the manuscripts submitted for publication, as well as for the right of using the information included in the paper.

The authors submit the paper proposals to the following e-mail address: ei-tc@upg-ploiesti.ro. After the double-blind peer review procedure, the authors whose manuscripts fulfill the scientific standards as regards publication will be informed about paper acceptance. They will be asked to sign the contract concerning copyright, committing themselves to obey its claims, as well as the elaboration instructions included in this guide. The editorial board does not provide any explanations for rejecting manuscripts that do not attain the standards included in this guide.

The papers should be transmitted in Britain English or American English language. If the English language used is inappropriate, the publication’s Editor is not obliged to consider the paper. In that case, the author (the corresponding author for coauthoring situations) is given back the paper to remake the translation, in a maximum of 15 days.

The papers will be text-processed (DOCX file extension) using Microsoft Word 2016 version or later.

A paper may have no more than 6 (six) co-authors.

Authors cannot publish more than one article per issue, even if they are co-authors for at least one paper.

The general structure of the paper should be as follows [please use this template]:

Title of the paper

Authors’ name, middle name (where is applicable), and surname (family name) in this order, their affiliation (institution name and address), their ORCID, and e-mail address of at least the corresponding author.

The abstract. It should provide information as regards the topic importance and value, and a brief outline of the research results.

Keywords: 3-5 words or phrases that represent the essence of the paper, in the decreasing order of their importance.

JEL Classification. JEL codes shall be chosen by the authors according to the field(s) of interest the paper belongs to. For further details see https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php

The contents of the article shall be structured as follows:

  • Introduction establishes the framework of the topic in close connection to the scientific field, drawing a brief outline of the current approaches in the field. It is emphasized the aim of the paper and the suggested claims and hypotheses, as well as the possible results of the research.
  • The body of the paper is structured in chapters and subchapters (without being numbered, no more than 3 heading levels), using the most appropriate style and specialized terminology. The approaches and methods shall be detailed; the results shall be clearly and concisely analyzed highlighting their impact upon all relevant levels of study. The acronyms shall be explained right after their first use in the text.
  • Conclusions consist of the review of the main issues of the paper, without reproducing the abstract. They assess the value of the paper or they can suggest guidelines for future research.
  • Acknowledgments, if applicable.
  • References shall be drafted according to the clear requirements presented below.

Editing Guidelines

A paper shall be of no less than 8 pages and no more than 25 pages A4, single line spacing, Times New Roman 11 pt After, and the document *.DOCX shall bear the name of all authors.

Page setup: 30 mm – all margins (top, bottom, left, and right); 20 mm – Header and Footer; 0 mm – Gutter.

Paper title shall be TNR 16 Bold centered, 30 pt Before and 18 pt After.

Authors’ name, middle name (if applicable), and surname TNR 12 centered, 0 pt Before and 18 pt After.

The “Corresponding author” shall be inserted as a footnote and applied only to one author.

The institution’s name and address and the author’s ORCID and e-mail should be inserted as TNR 10, Left, 0 pt Before and 0 pt After

Type of paper. The author shall choose between an Original article or a Review paper

The abstract. The word Abstract is typed below the authors’ email. The Abstract contents should be written with TNR 9 Italics, single line spacing, and in a single paragraph.

Keywords (TNR 9 pct. Bold) will include 3-5 words, TNR 9 Italics.

JEL Classification (TNR 9 pct. Bold), followed by the JEL codes (TNR 9 Italics). At least 3 relevant and different JEL codes shall be mentioned, each code shall contain one letter and two digits, e.g. B17 (for further details see https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel). JEL codes shall be chosen by the authors according to the field(s) of interest the paper belongs to.

The main text:

  • Headings (Level 1) shall be typed as TNR 14 Bold Left, 20 pt Before, 11 pt After. All headings (Level 1) must be numbered using “1.”, “2.”, “3.”, etc.
  • The text of the paper shall be typed as TNR 11, justified, single line spacing, 0 pt Before, 6 pt After,  for each paragraph; after the last paragraph of a chapter and the Level 1 Heading of the next chapter there should be 20 pt., Left.
  • Subheadings (Level 2) – TNR 12.5 Bold, Left, 12 pt Before, 6 pt After. All subheadings (Level 2) must be numbered using “1.1”, “1.2.”, “2.1.”, “2.2.”, etc.
  • Subheadings (Level 3)  – TNR 11 Bold, Left, 12 pt Before, 6 pt After. All subheadings (Level 3) must be numbered using “1.1.1”, “1.1.2.”, “2.1.1”, “2.1.2.”, etc.
  • Illustrations shall be 140 x 140 mm, by means of computerized techniques and then integrated within the text. Each illustration shall be numbered consecutively as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc. (TNR 10 Bold) with caption TNR 10 normal, 3 pt Before, 3 pt After. The source shall be mentioned below each illustration, 3 pt Before, 6 pt After.
  • Tables inserted in the text shall be numbered consecutively and shall be accompanied by headings. The word Table and the number shall be placed above the table, TNR 10 Bold centered, followed by the heading TNR 10 normal. Table formatting shall be coherent for the paper as a whole. The source shall be mentioned below each table, 3 pt Before, 6 pt After.
  • Monetary symbols should observe the English language requirements, using “.” For decimals separation and “,” for thousands separation (Example: $2,500.34).
  • Equations shall be types TNR 11 normal, using exclusively the Word Equation Editor, following the usual prescriptions as regards the style and dimensions for variables, functions, vectors etc. Each formula shall be centered and numbered in round brackets, e.g. (1), right-aligned.
  • Acknowledgments (if applicable). The word “Acknowledgments” shall be TNR 14 Bold Left; 20 pt Before, 11 pt After. The acknowledgment contents shall be on the following row, TNR 11, justified, single line spacing, 0 pt Before, 6 pt After.
  • Funding (if applicable). The word “Funding” shall be TNR 14 Bold Left; 20 pt Before, 11 pt After. The funding contents shall be in the following row: TNR 11, justified, single line spacing, 0 pt Before, 6 pt After.
  • A list of references shall be placed at the end of the paper, in a numbered list, alphabetically ordered by the name of the first author by the title of the sources with no author (TNR 10 pt, justified, 0 pt Before, 0 pt After). APA Style is mandatory, please see https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples