Company Restructuring Tied to Information and Communication Technologies and Productivity’s Rise
Corneliu Russu
La Gestion de l’Avant-Projet dans les Projets SI du Secteur Bancaire
Bogdan Dumbravescu
Managerial Tools in Modern Management
Ion Verboncu, Gabriel Popescu, Catalina Radu
Tax Evasion – An Important Form of the Illegal Economy
Robert Catalin Paslaru
Maintaining the Unique Taxation Quota – Condition for the Convergence of Romanian Economy with The European Economic Space
Ioan Done
Cycle: UML FOR MANAGERS (II). The Use Case Diagram
Liviu Dumitrascu, Gabriel Irinel Marcu
Cycle: UML FOR MANAGERS (III). The UML 2 Functional Modeling of a Cash Register Simplified System. Case Study
Gabriel Irinel Marcu, Liviu Dumitrascu
Globalization and Expansion of Transnational Companies
Mariana Eftimie
Measuring the Quality Level
Mihaela Ciopi Oprea
Aspects regarding Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Model
Mădălina Albu
Nonverbal Communication – Present and Future
Gabriela Gogot, Toma Georgescu
Tendencies of the Product Quality Assessment in Romania
Adrian Stancu